"Move It On Over" 5 string slide Cigar Box Guitar Mark Stowe

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Just messing around with the old Hank Williams song "Move It On Over".Some people may be more familiar with the George Thorogood cover version from the late 1970s.What I'm doing here is a lot more laid back county sounding then what George Thorogood did with the song, however I really am playing it more in his style with the slide guitar and blues riffs.The Cigar Box Guitar I'm playing is a five string thing tuned to open G (G-D-G-b-d). The small size makes it rather difficult to play.Instead of making the neck myself, I cheated when building this guitar by taking a beaten up neck from a broken child sized guitar and attaching it to the Cigar Box body.

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  • Mark,  I was looking for some George Thorogood songs (I'm a Hank fan too) and it led me back to this video.  Good job and those sound holes are fine.  Quite a few non-cbg music players do not 'get' cbgs.  Too bad for them.  I kind of copied/practiced your slide licks on this one.  Pretty cool.  Thanks!

  • Hey Mark aka. Junk Instruments. . .the overall size of the "Rain Man" is about 26 inches with the scale length being right around 19 inches. The strings are acoustic, and I'm guessing that they were lite gauge ( I actually don't remember for sure because they are 10 to 12 years old and came off of another guitar that I had. . . I never throw thing away) When I put it together and I first started to show this "thing" to people, no one liked the sound holes. I guess people expected a normal guitar sound hole, and a lot of people keep telling me that the way I did the sound holes made it look like a piece of junk. . .
  • That's a fantastic sound you're getting out've that thing - you got me re-thinking a lot of stuff I'd always assumed about short scale lengths (stupid of me really 'cos it's sort of my motto to avoid assumptions). Estimating from your photos showing it with other guitars I'm guessing the scale length is about 4/5ths of a regular guitar, maybe 20 inches or thereabouts - is that right? Anyway I'd be well curious to know what type of strings you're using (what gauges).
  • nice job dude.Like that rinky dink git too-always something attractive about a cbg you can fit in a backpack.
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