morning has broken

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A version of the cat stevens's tune

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  • Wow! Morning has broken - and this one has a red sky.

    Very interesting reinterpretation of a classic song.

  • WOW! That's really nice Harold, i like it!

  • Thank you all. I did this as an opening for a friend's indie film about some dark subject matter. The film is called "Mourning has broken" I enjoy the challenge of playing cb stuff in a different context.  But, that said... I still play rootsy blues all over the place. It's a surprise all the voices this instrument has. 

  • i really like the way you arranged this old beautiful song !!!  very nice !!!

  • Harold is a contender  real nice   Thank you Sir.

  • Pretty music.

  • very nice!

  • A breath of fresh air :-)
  • Nice way to break open the day...nicely done!

  • Nice version , Harold, unusual, but ah favour the auld modals maself  (btw could Maude not make it?). Nice unobtrusive  touches re backing, by Ross.

    File:Harold and Maude (1971 film) video cover.jpg

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