Morning has broken

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A dark take on cat steven's classic played on my Kurt Schoen custom cigar-box resonator Bouzouki. Electrified by a Blues Jr, slide rig, and tc hall of fame r...

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  • Thanks Bluesheart! Currently working this up to a recording with brush drums and double bass. Post that when done.

  • WEll done, would like to hear some more of that!!!

  • Thanks again for all of your kind words and encouragement. I've been working on extending the idea that CigBoxes are just for blues raves. However, I still spend many hours exploring that as well. This is something I'm working up for an indie-film maker friend of mine. I wasn't a huge fan of cat stevens either, but I like flipping things on their sides to see what they look like. :)

  • really nice sound!!!!

  • Nice take on one of my favorite songs.

  • I really dig the sound you're getting. Not much of a Cat Steven's fan but that was brilliant. Great style and tone.

  • Thank you fellow cig box-ians for your kind words. It's been a year and I'm far from bored with just CgC.

  • yumyum . ;-)

  • that was real fine !!!

  • An understated and quietly brilliant arrangement. Bravo!

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