Morning Has Broken: 3-String Surf Cigar Box Guitar

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Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 106th Zoom Mtg May 23, 2022. More info and free songbooks:

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  • I appreciate it Uncle John! It is a beautiful song.

  • Very nice!

  • Thanks AGP! I’m a strum and sing player, so I will look forward to the finger picked version. It will be a real treat.

  • Nice Take on a Beautiful Cat Stevens Tune Slingers, Judy Collins also does a fine version of it as well, and I have got the Finger Picking Notes tucked away in a folder, one day to be transcribed by me, to suit a 3 String GDg Tuned Geetar. :-) 

  • Thanks for watching Kale and Brian! I would agree, not a song you would expect on a CBG, and confirms once again what we all know, most music we like like to listen to can be played on a CBG. It’s also great for bringing new life to those long, lost songs we have all but forgotten.

  • Wow, this is one of those I never thought I’d hear on a cbg, great job slingers!!!

  • Wow. Well done Doug & Team. Thanks for yet again showing me how to play a song I'd forgotten about.

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