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Montecristo / No Rain

Views: 235
Another shambling video demo / song / disaster :o)

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  • One of my favorite songs....great performance there Ben! Keep 'em coming.

  • Ah thanks guys :o) Been meaning to learn this tune for ages but never had time between the talking and the drum banging...

    The guitar was built for a customer Tone, but I'll build another.....

  • It's always so much better the time you didn't see it - I feel one of those moments coming on!  Nice job Ben
  • Visually, the big drum adds a surreal element to the proceedings. Love the headstock and detail on the guitar,
  • Lovely sound from that huge drum and that beautiful guitar. Is that guitar for sale?
  • that's what i call a bass drum!! great tee shirt mr.R, nice guitar sound and song! (-:
  • Love the throwaway line, "like you do when you've got this illness called cigar box guitars". This morning my wife said she was going to buy a box for a friend for her birthday, I immediately suggested the local cigar shop, but apparently those aren't the only boxes people want! 


    Oh nice video too! Not heard that song since I caught a clip of it on an old video of the Chart Show's video vault - 

  • 2min 14sec (of a 4min 41sec video) - Ben finally shuts his mouth and plays the damn guitar.

    Only joking mate, big fan of the talk talk as always.  And loving the playing and singing too.  Nice choice of tune, not heard that in years

  • Really Good! All you need was a little kid in a bumble bee outfit dancin around ya! HaHa Great Job!
  • another entertaining vid as always Ben : -) Love that BOOMING drum and another good CBG!! Hate that when the batteries go like that : -(
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