MOJO BREW BCB Diddley (Electric) A.D.Eker 2018

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This time the BCB Diddley in (Electric Mode) how does a one string sound ?, just amped up and played whit Fuzz, echo, Wha Wha ! The BCB Way ! EnJoy ! Thanks ...

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  • Sounds great Andries! You make it sound easy too! Sounds like you hired a pretty good drummer as well ;-)

  • Hello Danny,yep those stompboxes are fun to have you can hook em up to all kinds of stingy me thingies ,but on this one its mostly echo ,and wha wha ! and only a snipped of Fuzz, its allmost like cooking !

  • Thanks Nancy !Holy furr fuzzy and all! Thanks Nancy ! yep !Working the One! well its the piezo thingy me dingy that realy does it, but its still a wonder that it works so well ! appriciated !

  • nice rockin diddley there AD, that distortion really adds a lot to the sound of one string

  • 306703069?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Holy Fuzzy Fur this is so cool Andries!! Hard to believe a one stringy thingy can make that sound electrified! Meowwwwwwow^..^

  • Thanks richard! wow the King Ye! think the standard 25 inch neck,the corn can Rezz,laminated neck, piezo  under the bridge in the can, using the G string,flagiolet fretmarkrs on the neck on the right spot,are a fjew features that help create the ease to play the thing! liking bo diddley helps a lot to, the G string is tuned in E that gives you a B, a G, E, A e on the Neck, so you have a nice varity in sound hights to play whit, and to further more manipulate the sound you bend, pull,  slap, and strum that one whit effects that are moveble by it self to create a hole range of differend sounds to use for your play & composition, glad the chopping wood gives you some inshight in the strumming techniek for bleus, keep up the good work be hearing you! Greeeeettssszzz  A.D.

  • Hi there James and thanks ! just keeping it alive !your comments are appriciated!

  • Thanks Dave !Nice comments !appriciated!

  • hello there uncle John! Yep big Hands well that is a requarement for playing guitar is it not? trying to keep it alive ! glad you like it !

  • Thanks AGP# Glad you liked it ! there are several features that help!

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