Moaning the Blues A D Eker H Williams 2020

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I just love those Twenties hank williams Lyrics, there are a fjew more moaning Blues songs But this one suits me like a glove, its close up in the face lyric...

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  • Yes fits you like a glove indeedie....very silky smooth Andries! MeeowwwPurrrrrr^..^4382340174?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • More of this A.D! Singing and playing blues through paint  fumes in black and white. Reminds me of some acoustic Nat King Cole singing. Laidback awesomeness, suits you extremely well.

  • Thank you kindly Derek ! appriciate your comments ! RIP JP !

  • Nice vocal styling Andries. Cool jazzy guitar and bluesy harp.

  • Thanks poorness Glad you liked it !

  • Thanks for the time correction Uncle ,must bee because of all those old black & white tv clips i watched!  appriciated!

  • thank you "Denbo",wel humming is a start, getting the feel going! appriciate your comments !

  • Thanks for your kind comment Danny ! appriciated!

  • This is great stuff AD. Well done.

  • Ha, I did not expect  a Hank song.  Nice surprise.  Man, I love your artistry.   Time correction.  Hank made his music in the 1940s and I think, died in 52'.

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