Mississippi Blues (new and improved sound)

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My favorite fingerstyle tune adapted for 3 string cigar box guitarThe Green Fusion cigar box guitar built by Keith AlanTuning FCF

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  • gret  stuff  ..   Keith  makes a great   guit   too  ;-)  

  • Great playing thanks, I also like your how to video on Amazing Grace

  • very nicely played and sung NightOwl! (-:

  • Real nice. Super-fluid playing. I gotta build a box with frets one of these days...

  • I'm so happy with the response for this video. I appreciate all the kind words. Thanks to everyone for watching!

  • Some Real Nice Blues Playin'

  • I really enjoyed listening to this song. Summertime, large lemonade, smell of seafood cooking and a good daydream coming on YEAH!

  • Very nice cover. It is quite amazing how CBGs with their limited strings are still so versatile. I did my cover using 513 tuning. Here is a clip of it here after the fretless demo:  http://youtu.be/jVdAAuvR-k0. Eventually, I would like to get around to doing a duet with my buddy, Bill. I would have him play the baritone 3 string CBG  tune 151 and mainly play the walking bass part. Here is our duet rendition on 6 string guitarss:  http://youtu.be/7wLHPgNYqV4  Definitely a great classic Blues standard. Thanks for sharing. Wonderful stuff. Enjoy.

  • stunning ! i really like your playing and singing

  • amazingly good....and a 3 string as well....man ole man!

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