Little Red Rooster

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Cigar box guitar, "Mi Lola", and converted radio "Silvertone" by PapaSimone at CreamCityCigarGuitar. Thanks to Keni for teaching me how to play this blues cl...

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  • Really nice feel. You are obviously making good use of Keni Lee's excellent tuition. The guitar and amp sound good too.

  • 3 cockadoodle doo's to you. did well. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you PapaSimone for sharing your performance. Good stuff. I am glad to see you are enjoying the lessons, and they seem to be working out well. Keep up the good work. Enjoy your practice, Keni Lee 

  • Great job. This is one of my favorite blues songs.

  • Nice job!

  • Oooooo nice playing.   Nice bluesy singing and amp too.  Four stars ****.   One of the best versions I have heard of this.  Slowed and relaxed.    Owwwwoooooo!   (that's my hound thing).

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