Kurt Schoen CBG in Kid Rock's vid - Po-Dunk

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Kid Rock's guitarist plays a Kurt Schoen TurboDiddley cigar box guitar in the latest video, Po-Dunk.

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  • growing up in the deep south,  It was always my desire to show that I am intelligent.   I  appreciated Kid Rock's kindness towards the little guy with the terminal illness but he also glorifies stupidity.  So there's a cigar box guitar in this video..  Is that really a good thing ?

    I've always loved simple energetic music from Eddie Cochran to Purgatory Hill.   To me, this video is a mockery..  just MO..  

  • That el bee  a hit in my neck of the Woods, the mystery of the Rebel, the backwoods freedom, i agree whit the hidden message about the mother whit baby and one on the hip thing and kids in video,s  that have a dope related message, but for europe that portrayes the land of the Free! it sayed  a hole lot more then CBG playing , to me that was a tiny little glimps of a cbg, Rapping Gold chain  KID Rock, i mean he is known for that controversie thing besides from the vid and some lines in the lyric thougt it was a cracking  track oeps!! thats drugrelated typing (sorry), does shane speal get flack for this? it is as old as the Blues and controversy about it who are we Kidding?

  • Class-less.

  • Senator Kid Rock?Music rocks! I agree with you all! Imagine some constructive message, positive message! The target is the youth, that's how buys most of the music!
  • The tune is catchy though! Liked the girl with guns thing... ;)

  • Not my cup of gasoline. Just sayin.
  • Yes I agree John!...Kurt makes a great guitar, but the video itself highlights drug use and to many dangerous concepts too long to list that are not good for the next generation of our youth, they make m it seem so fun but.....The hidden messages were NOT good!

    surly he most know 15 year old boys are watching....why would he make it seem so "cool" those values that will enslave them.

    Kid Rock...Come back to the Light!...Please!

  • LOL Unc.

  • Kurt makes a good CBG.  I don't have anything else to say that is good.

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