Jamming On an Arlo Cocked Wah

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A little pickin jam on this 3-Stringer before it goes out to its new owner. This is with the bridge pickup with the Arlo Cocked Wah circuit.

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  • I don't always handle a Wah. But when I do, you can bet it is Arlo Cocked. Thanks Richard. 

  • You can sure handle that Arlo Cocked Wah! Great lookin and soundin guitar to a happy  customer .

  • defendappalachia.com is where you can get that shirt. But then there is no excuse for anybody saying it wrong and you have to set them strait if necessary.

  • I want that shirt!! Great playing by the way. LOL
  • Thanks gentlemen. I had fun building this thing so I figured I might as well play it a little before I sent it down the road. And yes, Arlo Cocked Wah is  one of those things that sticks with you and looks for a place to come out in conversation. I work it in as often as I can myself.

  • Mighty good pickin and geetar, Brent.

  • Nice sound Brent. Fine pickin too.

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