I Saw the Light: Weedwacker & Fishing Line 3-string Cigar Box Guitar

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Repurposed CBG using weedwacker and fishing line strings!

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  • Thanks RTZ! I was pleased by their unique tone and they are easy on the fingers; that’s a plus too!

  • Thats good sound for those string 

  • Thanks Derek for the encouraging feedback. I Saw the Light has become a favorite in the last year. Fishing line works well for the high notes of a ukulele. I have a 22” scale length CBU tuned GCEA (low G) and it sounds just fine. Getting the lower notes for our CBGs is another story; enter the weedwacker string for that low G. Once you have the fishing line on hand (120 yd rolls), you are set for a while! 50 yards for the weedwacker rolls. Lots of room to get creative.

  • The guitar sounds really good with those strings, Doug. I remember a few of the guys and ladies from the pacific rim talking about using fishing line for their ukes back when I used to frequent the uke forums in the early days. Great Hank gospel performance.

  • I appreciate the feedback Kale, AGP, Uncle John, and Rope!

    I thought a gospel song would be a good choice for a Sunday recording and this is a Slingers fave!

    Years ago I tried a weedwacker bass (lots of others were doing it too at the time) which has long since been dismantled. I still have the 4 weights of weedwacker line. As strings they had interesting characteristics: pretty quiet, low sustain, and an interesting thump when plucked.

    Surprisingly, the weedwacker strings settle down faster than the fishing line strings. I have no idea why.

    I’m about ease of play for new CBGslingers. Steel strings are harder to play and will last a long time. Classical strings are easier to play, but discolor rapidly and are fragile, especially thinner wound strings, and will break on guitars unattended (apparently they do it on 6-string guitars too!) I have been experimenting with fishing line strings, but a low G needs 200 lb test and a 31 5/8” scale length. That’s a long neck. I tried one classical string with two fishing line strings and they did not blend well. Classical low G was too dominant. So I decided to try trimmer line to get that low G and am pleased with the result.

    Unfortunately, the test guitar has has metal frets, so I won’t be able to determine the wear characteristics on my 3D printing frets. So, I need to make a new CBG to test it out, now that I know the string combo works. There is always a next project!

    Probably too much info. If you want to try out this string combo yourself, let me know and I’ll send you some strings to play around with.

  •  Nicely done. To my ear, the strings have a more woody sound, less twang. I like it. Do they go out of tune constantly or do they hold on?

  • Sure sounds good.  Good old Hank Williams Gospel.  One of the best.   Nicely done.  

  • The Weedwacker's sounding great Doug, and a great choice of a Hank Song, have been playing around with it a bit myself lately :-)

  • Cool idea to use the weedwacker line. I guess we use those on washtub basses all the time but never thought to use one a git.

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