How to Make a SONG Your OWN

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Ever want to STEAL a song or an idea??? either. But there are "countless ways" to make ANY SONG "your OWN". Here are a few...

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  • Great points Del!

    My viewer tip: Not being “true”musician, whenever I show my “CBG skills” to people,  I tell them,

    ”I don’t know how to play, but I play what I know how to”

  • I find beer helps.; :>)

    .. you have some great points...."own it" we say

  • Great points Del. I learned turning off the negative filter during writing and that has helped me at least get the process rolling on a new song and at times for learning an existing one. And my wife reminds me I don't have to try to sound like Dylan on a Dylan tune ;)

  • Yep ! dont give a F&^&$%#  and do it like your the Biggest thing Ever !! cos'kno one knows anyway's !

  • Nicely said, Dave.

    Ah, Andies.  So true on the emotion.  You are one of the best and not worrying about how the original was done and making it your own.  Yup on the emotion. 

    And two more things.  1. VinylHead who used to be here a lot is a drama teacher.  I learned from him that a performer is more effective if he/she is a bit of an actor.  Facial expressions and body language can enhance a song and the viewer/listener's perception.

    2.  Keni Lee Burgess says to "Turn your give-a-shitter' down low.'   To not be overly worried by what anyone else thinks.  

  • Oke ! Del support all the above , but i believe you forgot about the EMOTION ! if the lyrics relate to a emotion that you have or had go for that ! thats what personelizes the hell out of a tune ! just so you know abot that aswell ,and dont be affraid to make mistakes, cose the PRO's are all (perfect) are they NOT ??? greeeeeettssszzz  Dell A.D from Holland !

  • I like your ideas Del. I think we are all built on the shoulders of our predecessors. I think we channel our play From some ghost. I like to listen to my riffs until I hear the words in the melody. Or discover my riff is actually a song that already exists. The ghost puts words in my mouth.

  • Those are great ideas... i knew i left something out...  The more i think about it the more ideas come to mind - Thanks for the comment Uncle John !!! 

  • Del this is excellent and I thank you.  I need to do more of making songs my own - which I often do- and less of trying to stay 'true' to something I can't duplicate.  And really, why try to do a song just like the original- that's a job for a juke box. 

    Tips from the viewers,  me.  Hmm.  I do change the key to suit my voice, which does not have a big range.  Some of the best covers I hear or have done keep it simple.  

    Use what you can do. If you can keep a steady beat with a foot, try to add some percussion.  I can't but many can.   Using what I can do- I can't do much of a guitar solo, but I can do often do pretty well on harmonica.  So I do. 

    Sometimes I can't do a song to satisfy myself and I put it aside and come back to it later.  Sometimes I can play it better on the return.  Sometimes I can't.  I try to pick songs I can do at my skill level.   

    Thanks again.  I am going to put this video into 'favorites' and look at it again some time.

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