House of the Rising Sun - Cigar Box Guitar

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traditional folk song. really a cigar box, but a big box!https://sycamorecreekmusic.blogspot.c...

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  • Poorness Studios I do like the song!  I just printed the chords and lyrics and worked up a version without listening to anyone's version.  I listened to Dylan's today.  Would have probably tried to borrow more from it if I'd had it fresh in my head. 

  • Such a great song. It always sounds good in any style. Fast, slow, it doesn't matter... it's just a great tune. Thanks for this rendition Steve.

  • @ Uncle John  Thank You! I recorded that last week while I was on a work trip.  Set the phone on the bed with no external mic. Got close because the AC unit was making a racket.

  • Dat's a BIG BOX!  Sounds big too.  Excellent on play and vocals.   I kind of like the camera angle too.  And the strum.  

  • @A.D. EKER   Thanks!   I'm not sure what the box is.  Had a strange flap door with a divider that could slide out and compartments down the middle.   I think maybe a custom box for a piece of equipment like a microscope or something.   I built the neck a while back, but I had a smaller box on it.  Never was happy with the sound, so I modified it to fit the bigger box.   Pics Here :

  • Nice sounding Big Box Six Steve !  Wine or Soap box ? recycled neck?

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