Hoochie Coochie Man -- The Nigel McTrustry Cigar Box Explosion

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The classic Willie dixon song performed at The Royal Mail, Goodna, Qld, Australia. The Nigel McTrustry Cigar Box Explosion Featuring Craig Claxton on guitar

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  • Thanks for checking out my video & for the kind words!

  • Excellent!   Great post!

  • Good play! Fun stuff. I need a lesson.
  • Excellent!! I agree AGP on his great lessons.

  • "Yep" Uncle John, in my opinion (for what its worth!) Nigel is!! "The Man" in the "Land Downunder" (Where Woman Glow and Men Thunder), saw him live at the same Pub a few years back, plays and sings well, builds beautiful CBG's and posts the best Utube song lessons on the Web.  

  • yup, it would be a kick to experience you guys in person.

  • Sounds great.

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