Guilt by photograph Nancy! A cat high on catnip admits the whole story. Thank you very much Nancy, we all wear ankle bracelets around here, captivating made easy ha!
Thanks Derek! Fun to take the leash of the dog and let him run around. I like the angle too, might stick with it it the neighbor on the other side doesn’t throw dog treats over the wall.
Thanks Vinnie! Sweet tooth music ha.
Thank you RTZ!
Tasty like cake .Sweet tone ,too.
Nice playing and camera view Richard
Guilt by photograph Nancy! A cat high on catnip admits the whole story. Thank you very much Nancy, we all wear ankle bracelets around here, captivating made easy ha!
Like a dog hot on the trail of a scent ha! Big thanks A.D!
Nice Run around Richard ! Like Jim says In your Face Playing !like only you can!
Thanks Derek! Fun to take the leash of the dog and let him run around. I like the angle too, might stick with it it the neighbor on the other side doesn’t throw dog treats over the wall.
Nice finger work on this Richard. Warm tone on the lpg and nice to see full use of the fingerboard ;) Tasty playing.