Ho, Ho, Oh, Oh

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New build 2 string Diddle Fiddle “Ho, Ho” with Bare Bones Guitar and Tin Drum by Dave Lynas

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  • Sounds great Dave. The fiddle sure stands out.

  • Dave - very helpful! Thanks, have a great weekend. 

  • Thanks Richard. You’ll get loopy if you do that. Just whack your head with a fretting hammer (rubber end). You’ll sleep like a baby.

    thanks James O. My like button works some of the time but not often. It’s failure leads to “comments” :D)

  • Hey Kent. Basicly a fiddle is just like a guitar. You could play your one and two stringers once you have a bow. I’m using a Cello bow but any old bow will do. Old fiddles often have bows in their cases. You need Rosin to make the bow grab the strings into vibrating. A strong neck angle is helpful. It will give you a high bridge. That helps the bow to clear the body. I like a narrow cigar box. Like 7 inches or down to 4 inches wide. That helps the bow clear the outer edges. Put the bridge in the middle of the box top. The fingerboard can extend over the top but it doesn’t have to. Check out fiddles made by Jim Morris. He’s the Master. I get my fiddle strings from China. Inexpensive steel strings. Someday i’ll Get expensive “real” violin strings but for now, cheap is my moto. 1 & 2 string fiddles can have flat fingerboards but 3 and 4 string fiddles need arched fingerboards and bridges. They need cutouts on the box sides so the bowstrings don’t hit the sides when playing. Hope this helps Kent.

  • Cheers Dave, I know nothing about fiddles - what parts did you use? Is it essentially a cigar box fit with viola strings and and that tail piece and what is the fretboard and neck, AND what is the short scale length? Lots of questions, how high is the action or wouldn’t it matter? Cheers 

  • Putting it altogether so nicely Dave! That had a real nice comfort feel to it. I think I’ll loop it and sleep with it playing. Sweet dreams of Rosie not swimming to well and that darn Revenuer carrying of the whiskey!  Good bow on the Ho!

  • Nice Dave like it the like button never  works anymore

  • Hey Kent. It’s a short neck so a high tuning. EB. E for the bass. The strings are Chinese steel viola 3 and 4th strings. I think you could get into it. I love your enthusiasm and spirit Kent.

    thanks Uncle John. Good lyrics. Good song forming. Play me some more fiddle.

    thanks Ambrose. I like your image. I think our CBG builds look like Scooners. Ships of the Musing Sea.

  • Dave, What strings and tuning is the fiddle? I fancy a bit of this myself. 

  • You are improving on the fiddle sticks!  I think I am a bit too.   Greenie and fiddle sound good together.  Sounds like a sad evening in a deep dark holler together.   Atmospheric too. 

    First verse:  Rosie, she drowned in the river.  Littlle Maude done runned away.   Revenuer stole all my whiskey.  I just fiddle away.

    Verse two:  I just fiddle in the morning.  Fish and drink in the day.  I sho miss my Rosie.  I wish Maude never runned away. 

    The ideas get silly after that.   Good music, Dave.

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