Hee Haw plank

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The Hee Haw plank. My playing is a little rough. sorry about that.

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  • I have never seen one of those. Very clever little instrument. It definitely fits in the CBG arena.


  • Interesting.  And it sounded good.

  • Normally I would do GDg or something like that, but the box said to tune all three to G so I thought I'd try it to see how it sounded.

  • Hee Haw!  Oh, it is hollowed out for better sound.   Gee!  Sounds pretty darned good!  Yup on the better convenience of machine tuners staying in tune.   Usually for dulcimers, they are not all tuned the same - more often like DAD or GDG.  My home made one is GDG using guitar strings and one G is an octave higher than the other.

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