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Goldies Test

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Good Show , Stew Pot Taylor . Least that's what they're calling you here ! Thanks for posting !!!
Thanks for the the nice comment guys, It was the first time for me (other than trying the 1st build) that I ever played a 3 string.....and my chords were played wrong..I realized after watching the video myself...that I was playing the "G" chord on open strings when in fact I should of been holding down the 2nd fret 3rd string ( good ear Uncle John).
Hey Reeds, I enjoyed this. Pretty git. Cool to see you having fun. Ha! Blueberry Hill. Sounds like maybe your tuning is off a bit. How is it tuned?
I like it Reed! I must also sy that you're hat screams "Bluesman"
your smile says it all .. its a great guit ,, and sounds out nice acoustically . not to mention it looks dam cool ! ;-)