Going To Germany - Gus Cannon - Gas Can guitar I sent to Japan

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6 string Gas Can Guitar No effect , this Gas Can Guitar is real resonator guitar !!! Gus Made his first banjo from a frying pan and raccoon skin . This great...

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  • Yeah Rob, it was pretty cool. Shipping to Japan came to around 80 bucks with insurance and it got there quicker than some things I've shipped to California!

  • Very nice ! All the way from Japan that is really something !!

  • Thanks Richey and wes!

  • I absolutely love this video. I remember liking this one when you'd just finished it Jim. Ryu seems like an awesome character.

  • It's funny! When I made this I told my friends it sounded like a trash can with strings on it. I was a bit surprised when Ryu actually wanted it. Now I see why - he has the right touch to make it sound cool! Thanks for the comments guys I've turned Ryu on to CB Nation so hopefully he can see them. Yeah SlowHound, I don't have the control I'd like over the website. A friend set it up for me and I've got to contact him to do updates. I've gotta get more in touch with this stuff!

  • I didn't know you had a website. Just got done watching the movie. Nice bio about your musical journey.

  • Uncle John hit it on the nail Jim. How darn cool is that?????
  • Nice!

  • °~{©‿©}~°   °~{©‿©}~°   °~{©‿©}~°

  • Love it!  That git went to a great home.  

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