Film Can Strummer

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  • Nice ! Very informative.

  • This is a very inspiring video. Great sounding instrument, too.
  • Kieth, Dan is a better builder than me- but one thing I have one with zero frets is to use a jumbo fret for the zero and the rest smaller.   The disadvantage I have seen with zero frets is I have needed to use string guides or the strings have not stayed in place on the nut/zero fret.

  • Dan, thanks for doing the video, and it gives me an idea of how 0-fret is done.

  • Thanks, Dan.

  • Thanks guys.  John, all of the frets are the same size (Medium Nickel-Silver). 

  • Very good. Speak for yourself, Jim. I can still screw up the frets. But I did learn something here. Starter Wes? I just figured out one of my fret mistakes! Maybe I should stay with fretless in the future.

    Daniel, did you use a bigger fret for the zero fret?

  • So easy even us old farts can do it!

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