EXCLUSIVE: Shane Speal's new song, "Maypole Hill" and album cover art. Coming Spring 2013

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http://shanespeal.com COMING SPRING 2013...the instrumental cigar box guitar album by Shane Speal, King of the Cigar Box Guitar. It's unlike anything he's released in years...a quiet, meditative album of Americana roots sounds, Gospel and even Indian ragas performed on cigar box guitars. In this clip, you hear his new song "Maypole Hill" playing in the background as you get a quick tour of Speal's Tunnel Rat Studios and sneak a peek at the cover art to Empty Wooden Box, painted by Thomas Boatwright.

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  • Nice, very Peaceful.!!!

  • man is that a lovely sound. Kind of thing you play to put the baby to sleep around a campfire.Your music like a good story always seems to have a beginning middle and end. This one would fit right in with anyone's fondest child hood memories. Really love it. Also love the painting. Should be a great album.

  • Like the room and contents.   Pretty and soothing music.   Does not sound like Shane Speal.   Sounds more like Anders or Silent.   Very nice stuff.

  • looking forward to the new album Shane, this song sounds amazing! (-:

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