Electric Diddley Bow demo

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Here's my new electric diddley bow. The pickup is a Super Ferrite from a Peavey Foundation bass guitar I wrecked many years ago. The board is one of the kick...

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  • ...°<[:-) [---]==={... Enjoy that deep crunchy tone...well done!

  • Gus, seven  nights in a tent does not sound like fun to me!   Hilly One Hundred???   Linda and I did the Fairly Flat 21 yesterday and it tired me out.

  • John: not sure. I'd like to. Was gonna do the Hilly Hundred here in Indiana this year, but I don't think I'm up to all them dang hills just yet, and nobody does a Totally Flat Hundred ride anywhere. At least not close. Maybe out in Nebraska or something.

    I've gotta come up with a real airtight sales pitch to make a certain other person think spending seven nights in a tent in Iowa in July would be real fun.

  • very nice gus

  • Very cool, Gus.   I do think you can get more tasty sound from a Pepsi bottle.  Doing some RAGBRAI next year?


  • Yeehaw!....good stuff!

  • GGGGGGGGGGGGNarly sound,careful  this could rock someone.....cuidado

  • 306118308?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thanks everybody!

    Harvey: The amp is a solid state Fender Champion 30 I got about 14 years ago. Straight into the amp with the gain on about 6 or 7. Highs on about 5 (knob is broken, so I'm not sure exactly), mids on 8 or so, bass around 5 or 6.

    I like how the longer notes on this plank sort of "bloom," like in the "Electric Funeral" snippet. That song was just MADE to be covered on a d-bow.

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