Electric Diddley Bow

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Demo of my home made Diddley Bow that i made from scrap parts.

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  • Thanks Olaf!

    The reso's are still on the To Do list. I' ve been busy building a Marshall JTM45. The amp is finished, now i'm building a headshell for it from old worn floorboards.

  • Servaas,

    hij klinkt geweldig! it sounds awesome!

    Scrapbuilds klinken zoveel beter omdat je ze zelf maakt.

    Scrapbuilds sound so much better cause it's homemade.

    Cheers Olaf

    P.s. hoe staat het ervoor met de reso's?

    How are the reso's coming along?

  • Thanks for the compliments people!
  • Love that carrying handle - and it sounds great.
  • yeah, another Diddley Bow is born!!!
  • That Diddley packs some SERIOUS crunch! Nice work! (Extra points for the handle. THAT is a creative idea!)
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