Ebony dbl 3 str Reso 002

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SMOKESTACK GUITARS--*** INTRODUCES A Solid African Mahagony box, Very rare Black and white ebony fingerboard and trim. Straight through neck tha is Carribean Cherry. DOUBLE 3 STRING (6 total strings).HIGH QUALITY--EBAY

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  • very good work..this is a profesional cigar box guitar..very good sound
  • How does one set up a double string?
  • Thx John
  • Nice playing and equally nice sound.
  • Thx for the kind words fellas. Yes I have been reading more and more about gibson and how the great tone wood trees are all becoming extinct. Read where all the guitar manufacture companys took tours of the countrys involved to see the devastation of the rainforest the trees were being illegally cut. Martin, Fender and taylor decided to stop buying the woods after seeing and Gibson kept importing. Bad part about it is the poor people that are actually cutting (or stealing,illegally) the trees to send over here are so poor they are starving to death. The ones actually making the money are the importers and ones using the wood. Tradgedy really, those great tone wood trees grow so slow that we will probably run out of the wood eventually. Most of the wood actually goes to building furnature, just small portion goes to musical instruments. Ha,Ha, I think they ought to save it all for guitars!
  • Man, that is museum piece gorgeous: all of it, but especially the B&W ebony and the car part chrome 'reso'.   And it the sound equals the appearance.


    Did you  hear about the big raid on the Gibson Guitar factory in Tennessee?  The feds hauled off exotic wood finger boards, necks and guitars!

  • HOLY HANNA!!! That  sure is sweet... so sweet, my teeth are aching! Just keep it up, keep coming up with new ideas!
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