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  • Ben - the art is just play louder - Well thats what I do !!!

  • Genius piece of kit!

    Do they make one that makes a crap player sound great? I could really use one... :o)

    Good to see you bro, glad all is well over the pond. Hope you can get back for next years fest?

  •  thanks i have had that same problem tuning time between songs it sounds good no chipmonk or darth vader tones

  • Thanks,  I was just thinking tonight about how some effects pedals could change on the sound

    of a cigar box.  That was cool. I like the video.  john

  • that's really cool!!...sounds great with a dirty sound but guessing it wouldn't sound as good clean??

  • interestin stuff -nice to see ya back dude.Glad its all goin well Stateside.

  • very impressive man great bit of kit great axe by ju ju

  • Hey Stuart good to see you mate you were missed at the CBg fest - glad your still lovin the plank - hey i love the Drop tune thats a great bit of kit

    oh man no Cider thats a bummer i know how much you love it !

    hope you and yours have a great Christmas and 2011 - take care mate

    juju :)

  • Bloody brilliant idea! You could do some serious grindcore or doom metal with that! LOL!!! That plank sounds aces! CHEERS!

  • Just a vid about the Morpheus Drop Tune Pedal and howit is usefull for CBGs

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