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Dovetails CBG

Views: 85
With great insights from folks on this board, I finished this padauk and canarywood CBG. The box is joined with dovetails, the neck/headstock with a scarf joint, and the neck is built with maple and walnut. Aside from the fantastic fretboard from CB Gitty, the whole thing is made entirely with hand tools (well, I did use a drill for some holes here and there). Fun project to put my novice skills to the test.

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  • Thanks, Glenn!

  • Thanks, all. Shoot, Uncle John, I'm not sure what's up. It does seem to ask me to 'Run Adobe Flash' when I try to play it. My earlier videos didn't require that, so I'm not sure why these recent ones are doing that. I'll see if I can somehow upload something different.

  • Glad it turned out good.  I seem to not have the right player to view it.

  • Well, that seems to pass muster with flying colours, excellent job....!!!

  • Sounds great. I like that stubby headstock.

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