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Don't Do That Again by Delbarjo

Views: 108

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  • Thank you Derek for your good comment !!!!!

    I like to play with old sound !!!!

  • Excellent all around! Cool 50's tone and it rocks.

  • Thank you very much Nancy for this nice comment !!!
    It's always a pleasure to count you among the friends who follow me and I
    thank you.
    I still love your pictures Meaowwwwww ! ! ! ! !^^

  • 306697683?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Hello Del! Pleasure this morning to hear you my talented friend...Love it super cool vocals~~~~Meeeeow^..^

  • Thank you the anonymous pick ^^

  • great stuff , as expected from you  ;-)

  • Thank you John !!!!!!

  • Big smile good.  :D     Rocking growly good., 

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