Dirty Elmar...One Finger Blues.

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Fretless 3 string with an Elmar Flat Pup through a Cube 40.

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  • Thanks for the kind words. Every now and then my metal head side shows itself.

  • great! that axe is screamin

  • nice work sir, that guitar, pickup, and you sounding great!!!

  • You and that amped up Elmar soundin' fine.

  • Been in a rut for sure. My usual style just hasn't been working out. 

    Nancy, it's more like The Lazy 8.  There's a cat here somewhere too.

  • Lots of good sounds comin out of that box! is that three dog night playin with u?!!! meowwwnicedoggies

  • Frustration can bring out some cool stuf my friend!

  • WOW! Lots of sound from a small package.

  • WOOF WOOF!!!

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