Diddle Finger

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Simple one track on Minnesota Girl Guitar by diddle finger Dave

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  • Very enjoyable Diddlein' Dave! :-)


  • Keep that finger busy Dave. Smooth and enjoyable as always.

  • Thanks Poorness and Uncle John. I just fell into the one finger thing. It started when I built a nylon string banjo. It was how easy it was to diddle the nylon. It comes from a Maybell Carter style where you flick the finger in what she called “bump Diddle” or the Carter Scratch. I just eliminated the bump with the thumb. I still do the scratch too just alternate between arpeggios in diddle and sometimes a bass bump for emphasis. A hammer on is essential also. It splits the notes it make the arpeggio faster.

  • Dave, I like both that Golly Moses band and Dave as a solo artiste.  This is nice.  I think you should insure that finger.

  • You've definitely got that 1 finger style down pat Dave. When I do fingerstyle picking, I find myself wanting to use 2 or 3 fingers. I'm not sure how you do it.

  • Thanks Denbo. I’m meeting my tec man today to fix things right and I’ll have room to Boogie again. :*)

  • I’m Back. Only much reduced. Simplified. Bare Bones. One track mind. I’ve given up on Filmaker Pro. It’s a wonderful app but it eats ram like candy. I just have a small iPad . Only 64 gig. Filmmaker eats 54 gig just being in the pad. So. Get simple stupid. Out with the glitz. I’ll do it all in iMovie. I’ll still have 4 tracks and simple uncolorful captions. So I can still have a little band to play with and room for fun. I’m Back.

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