Daisy Chains - Unplugged Demo - 3 String Cigar Box Guitar

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https://bemuzic.bandcamp.com/Song For Betty/Daisy ChainsA new song written for my amazing new Granddaughter, who has the same name as my Mum had...A bit bit mushy and sentimental, but so what!I recently realised I could use my Zoom H2n as a USB mic by connecting it to my phone or pad with an adaptor that only cost a few pounds. I used one of these https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00BFYH11Q/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1This was my first test with it. Sounds a lot better than just the phone mic...

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  • thanks Nancy, ha , love the pic : -)

  • Thanks Derek : -)
  • yes Digly, definitely something about a printed photo. Went to my Niece's wedding recently and they put a Polaroid camera on the table for anyone to use. A young boy got hold of it and was fascinated!
  • Beautiful tune. Nothing wrong with sentimental! :-)

  • Yeah, I was in Berlin last year in KDW, a big department store.  There was a young lady demonstraing Polaroid cameras and we had a chat about how few actual photos we take, compared with previous generations.  At least, I think that's what we were talking about, my German's not brilliant.

    Anyway, when I got home, I bought a little Fuji Instax printer.  You send it photos from your phone using blue teeth and it prints them.  The photos aren't brilliant and they're ony the size of a credit card.  However, people's reaction to being given a real photograph is amazing.  They really treasure them.  Digital has transformed what we do but there's something about print, be it pictures, words or music :-)

  • thanks Digly. Yeah, who knows how Spike and Betty will listen to music when they grow up. I wonder about photos too. Everyone used to have a cardboard box of photos. Now we take SO many, that when we die,no one would have time to look through them all, so they'll probably just delete them...

  • thanks Andries

  • Congratulations to you and all the family, Be !

    It'll be lovely for them to have a little catalogue of 'their songs'.  Digital media are great for that. We just need to find ways to keep it useable on the latest machines ! 

  • Wont we all Be ! Looking distinctif must say ,and smooth dilivery as allway's, and thanks for the tip !

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