Cover Me, With Life.

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A song by Richard Sundberg featuring my DMR Big Payback 4 string CBG. New Sennheiser monitor headphones test.

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  • My old beat up Radio Shack mic might be the secret Vin! I try to record inline as much as possible to cut down the ever present background noise here. When I do record live like this, I add the effects and EQ it after it’s done to clean it up. Way way kind on the compliment scale, my head is going to explode! Thank you very much for your inspiration and support my friend!

  • Thank you very much Derek!  A couple years later after getting this, my first CBG, I’m getting comfortable playing it like a six string. 

  • I love it .You always have the best recording quality.We need to talk about stealing some of your voice has so many qualities in it. Great lyrics.A 14 on a scale of ten

  • Great tune Richard! One of your best. I like the guitar accompaniment and good writing.

  • Thanks A.D! This is my go to CBG when I shop around for tunes. I don’t know why, but I guess I’ve always liked the open ended style of songwriting. Leave interpretations open to the listener for personal memory flashbacks and fill ins. It’s like listening to a story on the radio as opposed to TV. Imagination could give this song many reflections. My take was a quick  kaleidoscope of life flashing by. Live life rather than watch it go by. I might say I like both of yours better. Thanks for your great input always my friend!

  • Thank you Bob!

  • So when your ten feet under ,you want the undertaker to sprinkle some live on top of you to rezorect and start a afterlive beond the grave, or do you want the Babe to do something whityou? the tune is fabulous in that uniq playing style you have but the words dazzele me!  getting down to the feeling there Richard ! 4 string Payback keeps giving you the ultimate tool That Dennis whipped up for you!!

    Much appriciated ! Greeeeeettssszzz A.D.

  • Great performance.  Great tone and vocals.

  • Thanks so much Danny! Always great to hear from you!

  • Dennis, Drinks are served a plenty at mt BYO patio lounge. It’s always fun to go back to your first CBG and play it! The Big Payback is just the best and easiest CBG I’ve played. All of them are special and unique, look what you started! Thanks for all your help and friendship, your definitely on a roll yourself building some amazing guitars!

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