bemuzic busking - The Books We Read (New Song)

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Thought I'd try out this new song. It's very new, so there are a few mistakes! Just recorded on my phone and I notice the video sort of jumps here and there which is annoying...Oh well I enjoy singing it, and it might be awhile before I get round to recording it, so thought I'd share it : -)The song was inspired by the titles of several books that were in front of me while noodleing around on a guitar.I looked into it and it seems book titles aren't generally covered by copyright. The books were by Margaret Atwood, Haruki Murakami, and Milan Kundera, so if you like those authors you might recognise some of them...LYRICSThe books we readshape our mind.Life is elsewhere,while we're eating fire.It's a wild sheep chase,we can't see the joke.This is the book of laughter and forgetting.And the world is full of ignorance,as we dance, dance, dance after dark.And the world is full of ignorance,as we dance,dance, dance,to the end of the world.da, da da etc (could end up as some sort of instrumental?)I want to see behind the door.Truth is surfacing,about life before man.It's a wild sheep chase,we can't see the joke.This is the song of laughter and forgetting.And the world is full of ignorance,as we dance, dance, dance after dark.And the world is full of ignorance,as we dance,dance, dance,to the end of the world.The books we readshape our mind.Life is elsewhere,while we're eating fire.That isn't clapping at the end, it's someone running across the road in flip flops,lol!..

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  • cheers Stewy : -)

  • Very nice Bee.....good job!

  • thanks Jason

  • Very nice!!! :>)

  • thanks Michael...and yes that's why I do it. I've wondered about writing a busking blog, but I'm always so tired when I get back!! I did a song called "busking" and have just written another one sort of about it.... from parking my car up to starting to busk. It's called "Head Full of Songs" 

  • cheers Thomas

  • Well done Be. You make beautiful music.

  • Nice song Belinda! I have a question tho, I don't think you busk for the money, but more the experience to share your music in a public setting with total strangers. Sometime, i would Love to hear about some of your experiences thru busking, maybe in a song! Truly a Zen way to share what is close to your Heart! I Love this song very much!

  • If my wife had just as a pleasant voice, I'd pay more attention to what she says ;)

    Great job, lyrics, singing & playing!!!

  • thanks Nancy : -)

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