Delia's Gone To The House Of The Rising Sun

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Sry, I know this isn't a CBG one...but I really liked the way this cover came out so I uploaded it...I took the Waylon Jennings Version of Delia's Gone and mixed it with House of The Rising Sun...hope ya'll like it!-CGCIf you like this check out my youtube page: FB page: more.The lyrics are:Deila Oh Deilia,Were have you been so long?Everybodys talking about Delia,They say she's done me wrong.There is a house in New Orleans,They call the "Rising Sun",It's been the ruin of many a poor girl,And Delia, you are one.Some gave Delia a dollar,Some gave her two or three,But I never gave Delia a penny,Becasue she belonged to me.Her mother was a tailor,She sewed those new blue jeans,And me I am a gambling man,From down in New Orleans.Took my poor Delia to the grave yard,Took her in a long black herse,If I hadn't of shot my poor Delia,I belive she'd have got me first.The only thing a gambler needs,Is a suitcase and a gun,But since I lost my Delia,I've lived the life of a drunk,I went down to the grave yard,Just to look at my Delia's face,Delia girl how I loved you,I wish I could take your place.Oh, mothers, tell your children,Not to do what I have done,Spend your lives in sin and misery,In the House of Rising Sun,Jailer oh jailer,Tell me why can't I sleep,And all around my bed side,I hear little Delias feet.One foot on the platform,The other's on the train,I'm going back to New Orleans,to wear that ball and chain.Deila Oh Deilia,Were have you been so long?Everybodys talking about Delia,They say she's done me wrong.Going back to New Orleans,My race is almost run,I'm going to spend the rest of my life,Beneath that "Rising Sun".

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