Cigar Box Guitar Noodling

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Just some flange-y, echoey psychedelic nonsense on my fretted four-string CBG.

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  • Wow, that was awesome! 

    iwant some of those noodles!!!

  • Sounds great. Love this kinda stuff. Yeah, I can hear the Fripp coming through here...I also a fan, but I am partial to the Belew years myself.

  • Wonderful playing Gus! Enjoyed it!

  • SlowHound: DUDE. Know what band I love?


  • Nice! Has some king Crimson like sounds going on. Cool shirt.

  • Mercy bow-coop!

  • Great surfing ending. You are one fine picker Gus!

  • What Uncle said! What’s the wingspan of your left hand? I was cursed with small hands and my little finger curves in. Nice playing and effects, cool ending. 

  • You are too kind, every last one of you. Thanks for watching!

  • Dang, Gus.  You've got rubber fingers.  They play real nice, but it seems like a unfair advantage.  Good music. 

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