Sound Sample - AGP #426 ''Git Harp Diddy'' ~ In the Pines & Noodling

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Cigar Box Guitars

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  • "Thanks Bob "Ambrose" Negus" Glad ya liked it :-) 

  • That was an enjoyable demo AGP.  Well done on building this versatile instrument.

  • Yeah!, I agree Pick, "dge" or "dce" (dats close enuff)  :-D

  • "Thanks Rick", Lol, never thought about counting it as 3 Builds, good looking idea in the Pic, looks a bit like a "Ninja Star Knife", but I think I'll just stick to One Neck, 3 String Fretless, One Pickup Guitars for a while.  ;-D 

  • Hey , it's just tuned "dge"    ...."dats gud enuff " .

     relax folks ;-)

  • That should read no harmonics on the 5th Fret on the 3 String :-)

  • After seeing more than one comment about the Tin Beast being a bit out of tune, I did check the tuning on it, the 3 String GDg was in tune, the B Tuned Bass String was in tune, but 5 out of the 6 DGDGBD Strings on the Harpy thing were a little bit Flat, whether that's the problem or not I don't know.

    In relation to the Intonation, it's something I've never done in worried about in any of my 400 plus builds, as long as I have the harmonics on frets 5, 7, 12, & 19, I'm Happy!, the only one missing on this build is 5th Fret on the # String.

    Maybe some of the other reasons could be, that the String Gauges are all of a quite low Tension, perhaps the Boss Katana 50 Amp settings, as someone suggest (pictured below), the fact that I am a bit deaf, or as the start of the Video suggest, "I Have No Idea What I'm Doing" :-D

    PS. I am open for suggestions!


  • It takes a visionary to build it, but a real man to play it. You played it great! One of your best guitars and videos Alan! Doesn’t this build count as three? It should ha. He’s an idea for your next several builds.8927809482?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • "Thanks Poorness", I like that Exotic remark, pity the same didn't apply to the Boofhead playing it.


  • Oh man that thing is cool. It sounds as exotic as it looks. Really nice build.

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