Chord Theory Tutorial for Basic Chord Shapes and Jazzing Chords Up, Pt 2

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Beginning and Advanced Chord Theory Tutorial for Three-String Cigar Box Guitar, Pt. 2

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  • Some interesting chord shapes and changes, but the flange/phase or whatever effect on the amp isn't doing it justice, it's sort of masking the chords (well to my tin ear it is). It would be a lot easier to hear what you are doing with a straight sound on the amp. Still, I'll keep going over it to see if I can steal some ideas!

  • Don't mind if you do ... I'll be watching to see what you've got!

  • Great lesson Tim. Weirdly I just recorded one very similar about moveable minor & major chords... I hope you won't mind if I upload it tomorrow as planned. I think we touch on some similar stuff but I haven't gone into any jazzy stuff!

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