Chemtrail Holler

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Forgive me my friends, (many of whom i feel are more than that, are like family) ..I have gone quiet due to a nasty computer invasion, followed by a reoccurr...

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  • very good song miss laurie very good perf!! it's great *,..,*
  • the computer seems to have a mind of it's own--perhaps a Mac take over??....the only browser that worked, was safari....well, i'm sold..tired of windows trubbles....arrggg... one 'bandage" I used to get a half life was called spybot search and destroy! love the name!! i type, it is HAILING,    CA mid MAY, an dsnowing down to 2000 ft level....crazy weather.......

    THANKYOU, all, for listens, and such kind FB, ...  I am hoping "inquiring minds" will get a yen to do a lil research,..after the fact... I'm no conpiracy theorist, just a concerned inhabitant of mother with offspring, who will live in this world longer than i will.........and so on, and so is an amazing place to occupy and must be treated with care and respect. ;-)

  • Great song Laurie. Sorry to hear of your computer invasion - hope you've repelled the invaders...
  • Your songs make me smile.
  • Hi Laurie, great bluesey performance***** - your voice reminds me of Julie Driscoll or Linda Hoyle - brilliant! (-:
  • I can hear it just fine! Must be them there chemtrails attacking your computer... "resistance is futile."
  • VERY nicely done! The lyrics and music compliments the visuals perfectly, as well as the vocal processing, which adds to the foreboding atmosphere that you have conjured up.
  • Sounds great.
  • anyone seeing this soon---please give me a "holler" and let me know if it has a sound track that is audible??

    as soon as i got the thing baked, my sound went bye bye............LOL.......enuf fun, for one day, decided, for me!!

    (-the gremlins are laughing, inside my puter,...) I have laundry to hand , laundry to fold,,,,,,,


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