Catch a Falling Star: 3-String Cigar Box Guitar

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Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, 12th Zoom Mtg June, 22, 2020. For more info:

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  • Poorness, I appreciate the encouragement, we will try keep doing some songs that are off the beaten track and highlight what is possible with 1-finger chords. I’m still amazed how robust power chords are! They are the musical version of rounding off in math!!!

  • Keep it up Slingers. Its probably obvious but I think these videos are great.

  • Uncle John, Thanks! You have a good ear and recognized one of my two favorite (and overused!) strumming patterns. Played the song again last night with the gang at our Zoom meeting. The old songs are fun to do with a group.

  • Calypso.   Very nice.  What  a good old song.

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