Can’t Get Me No Satisfaction

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A slightly different arrangement from a dog bowl’s perspective.

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  • Thank you Derek! I tried my  charismatic Charley Watts, live and learn I guess! Appreciate your kind comments, thanks!

  • The cat has Mick down Nancy! I was working on the riff of the Stones song, and I started hitting this one and decided to go with it! I’m going to stick to my day yob,  tongue in  cheek! Thank you Nancy!

  • Smooth spin on this one Richard! Good gritty guitar and mighty fine vocals.

  • 306704704?profile=originalAhhh very satisfying Richard!!! Like the different vibe going on video to!! Meowwww^..^

  • Uncle, I’m just proud to have you as a friend, your humor is the best, big smiles and laughs always. I expected crap doing the crazy moves singing thing and all! I do my own thing doing covers, figure a new and different perspective would be refreshing. Thanks for the compliment, extra special coming from you! By the way, Keith Richard called and he’s all in for me taking Mick’s place. He said he’d be the handsome and  charismatic  guy on stage then! Glad your having fun giving me crap, you spread it quite evenly around! Some of your lines to others are some of the best lines I’ve heard in years! Keep giving crap, everybody loves it!

  • It's fun giving you crap about being the next Stone, but the heart of the matter is this is a great cover and video!

  • Ha, better chance of looking like Keith Richard! My lips don’t get done as much anymore Erasmo! Thanks buddy!

  • My strength is prancing around the stage Uncle. They’d never know it wasn’t Mick, except for the short round chubby profile and voice of a collie. There’s your autonomy, the study of the human body ha! There’s a timing issue also, beings my homebody style doesn’t fit the jet set big band. True, a young 68 year old whipper-snapper could inject youthfulness  into this  geriatric group. True, I would also lead them where they’ve never been before, that’s on the con side of the ledger. I am a very private person, especially on stage, you wouldn’t know I’m there. I just pronounced entourage, don’t use  phonics! Is a pack of  Wiener dogs an entourage! Your wisdom  prevails John, I do have cows and sheep and roosters following me here, but I do have that precious privacy. For now....Mick is safe....but on  retainers! Why aren’t you in St Louis center stage! Just a hop and a skip for you. Thanks , that was laugh out loud funny! OK here I go: in tour age!

  • Think twice before you replace Mick, Rich.  Sure, you would take the Stones to new heights and levels of excellence and soon nobody would miss Mick very much---  but you would lose a lot of privacy and autonomy.  Man, you would need body guards and an entourage.  Can you even spell or pronounce entourage?

  • What! Uncle I did extensive research, early days when Keith Richard suggested this way! Mick always did it his way through. Ha, I might be approached to replace Mick, he’s pretty old! This crazy spring chicken thanks you for your wisdom and kind words my friend!

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