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busker cannon sound demo

Views: 412
well thought it about time i made a video , don't go gettin all excited now it's only my crappy playin with the same old crappy tune lol! - well i just wanted to let you hear what my new toy sounds like - it sounds much much better than i can make it soundsee if you can endure it all way through ?????????

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  • Made it and liked it alot.
  • Is that one of your Rez's? Interesting sound.
  • And still we can't see your face!!!!!!!!!!
  • don't know about me forgetting more than you ever knew : -/....the beauty of the blues is that really simple stuff still sounds great...btw I made it to the end no problem!!
  • hey Ice Bob - i wish Bad ment good but bad means bad in this instance lol!
  • bad mean's good right?
  • Cheers Carl , maybe one day something will just click and i'll be able to play like a real player until then i'm still looking for them Crossroads lol!
    thanks man
  • Well done! And a nice sound!!
  • Hey lucky , how you been bro , thanks for your comments mate
  • Bravo juju, sounds darn good to me. Hey, I've seen a couple posts that you are building a more traditional CBG (3 string?) ... sure would like to see some progress pics of what you are up to?
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