Blacktooth Hopkins - Hwy 98 Blues

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A stolen backing track, a LOT of stolen pictures...some might even be yours...a simple 3-string cigar box Swamp Witch guitar, some lyrics written by Blacktooth Hopkins after a recent trip to Destin, FL. Swamp Witch guitar, Silica Sound slide.

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  • hey  ..    check  your  mail   bud  ;-)


  • Thanks, guys!

  • Oh, yezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  • Coooooooooooool

  • Sounds a treat. That guitar sings like a songbird too and your voice is on the money for blues, of course.
  • album worthy  ..   needed another  listen yo  get  my  morning goin  ;-)

  • Mighty fine Blues Oh Yea. I use to workcamp in Destin Beautiful place Camp Gulf on the Beach

  •  Nothin' like a Swamp Witch!  Some fine music! Meow^^306528757?profile=original

  • Thanks, gents! I have a few songs that I go to my Swamp Witch on every time, Pick. ;)

    David, we'll take any excuse to head east and hit the Emerald Coast, too!

  • Mighty fine!!

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