Big Vibrations 1906 San Francisco

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Now and tomorrow. Here and gone. The fragile state of exist. And so far I suck at playing Robert Johnson, so doodling.

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  • Thank you Brother3string, I appreciate that! It’s pushing myself to play a style or rythem patterns like Robert Johnson, that’s so out of my ballpark,  that helps me come up with these ideas. In this case, I was trying so absolutely unsuccessfully  after a couple of hours, out of frustration and need for a break, I came up with this in a couple of hours. I’ve had the earthquake videos for some time, just didn’t have the right vehicle to drive them home. Boom bang, that’s how my disjointed left side of my brain deals with  the rather illogical side of my right side. Now the way things generally goes now, I’ll go back to that beloved Robert Johnson song and play it completely different and have him spinning in his grave, and say I played a RJ song ha! Thanks Brother, your comments inspired me!

  • You just stay away from the Robert Johnson tunes, and keep creating more of these... This was great. Nice playing and video work, Richard.

  • Fantastic artwork on the Frisco mural Nancy , definitely an eye catcher driving by! I will put your comment on my  trophy mantle next to my baseball trophy. It’s an honor, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Big meowwww smiling thank you Nancy!

  • 306703355?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024Superb piece Richard this is in a class of its own... way high you set that bar! Horrific time! (Frisco Mural) Meowww^..^

  • I have always liked German  chocolate cake, although I’ve never been to Germany and speak very little German, why I haven’t been east of Thailand ha! What....been demoted from a bro to a cuz! Ha! Vinnie, I’ll take comparison to an Edie Brickell tune any day! Thank you muchly my friend!

  • I’m in agreement Derek about earthquakes! I was stationed in Sacramento and my first experience was at work. The shelves started moving back and forth a few inches on the floor. Of course not knowing what an earthquake felt like, I was trying to analyze the situation.  These were tall metal shelves with metal parts stored on them. A guy from the bench yelled earthquake, I instantly went from investigator to freaked out! It’s unlike anything, you just freeze! Thank you D, appreciate it that very much!

  • Sweet like a big ol piece of German chocolate Cake. Reminds me of an Edie Brickell Tune. Love what ya got goin on,cuz.

  • Excellent Richard! This has a great vibe and stride. The big open sound is super. Tasteful licks! I remember the little earthquakes when I was little and we were still in California - they terrified me.

  • Yes Sir, Jim! I watch the series Supernatural, no crossroads dealings for me ha! Guess I’ll have to do it the hard way.......find someone around here that plays great RJ, then put my name on it .......I think that might be crossroads dealings. Back to the drawing board, or as Andries says, play like your chopping wood. Thanks Jim!

  • Yup Richard but don't go down to the crossroads.It's a hell of a deal.

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