An Easy Pentatonic Riff for 3-string CBGs

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This is a fun little riff to play on a 3-string fretted cigar box guitar. It's really simple but it sounds more complex than it is. It's based on the major pentatonic scale.

Intro @ 0:00
Part 1: Fingering @ 1:40
Part 2: Fretting @ 3:32
Part 3: Variations @ 7:17

Check out my playlist of CBG Tutorials here:

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  • Thanks John. I always like to share a few of the things I've learned.

  • Very nice.  Kale's Song.  I am not skilled at finger style, but this is one use and it sounds good.   

    Great lesson.   I could have benefited greatly from this ten or twelve years ago.  But now I've found some other paths and I've done got old and just mostly do what I do.   I hope a lot of folks watch and learn from this.

  • Thanks Danny. I always hope these videos help somebody get inspired so I appreciate the feedback.

  • Very educational thanks for posting

  • Thanks Doug. I always hope somebody tries these tutorials. LOL

  • Looks pretty straightforward and doable Kale. I’ll have to try it out. It should be a fun riff to noodle around with.

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