Afro box guitar demo

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I made this guitar from a cardboard box. It has 648 mm (strato) scale. Wood is birch and pine and fretboard is oak. It has a Chinese humbucker and a p...

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  • Love your playing! That guitar really sings, very well done!

  • Cheers. This is actually my third cardboard build and have all been good and different sound.

  • Sounds pretty darn good for a cardboard box. Sheesh!

  •  A big OH YES on that pretty guitar and the music.

  • Wonderful guitar Eero. I like everything about it. Your play is wonderful as well. Distinctly different sounds in each mode.
  • Danny, Andries, Brian, thanks! It's a box for Afro mint candys or related collectible cards.Ways to succeed ? I dont understand, its funny.


  • Bleuzy Eero !all style  sixer ! nice play on your new build, wege sum erfolg ! the road of conceqence?funny line for a cigar box?  reggea collors! a other topper !

  • Very interesting sound, in a good way :) thanx for sharing Eero
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