A Finger Drummer, A Band Conductor, And a DMR CBG Player Walk Into A Bar

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Demo of a finger 12 piece electro drum set(West Coast Stomp Box) and backing four string CBG.

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  • Nice play on words Derek!  If I can’t finger something out, I get nine other chances. Really appreciate your kind words, helps keep me pumped up! Thanks my friend!

  • Great sounding demo Richard. Excellent guitar playing. Hope the drummer doesn't finger out what you're up to!

  • A couple great ones Nancy! I’ll be counting skeletal cats instead of sheep tonight ha! Mickey’s a much more precise band leader, one two, 1. 2.   Right on the money, thanks Nancy!

  • 306709509?profile=originalMickeyMeowwwww^..^

  • 306709568?profile=original Great Looping Cats!!!!! Excellent beat to it Richard!!! Meeeowww^..^

  • Thank you Clarky! An album back in the seventies really influenced me a lot, I wore it out! “Bare Trees” by Fleetwood Mac with guitarists Bob Welch and Danny Kirwan. A time of transition from an early blues band to the current band style. Only had about 8 songs, but long songs great for driving! 

  • Sounds great Richard.  A bit like something you'd stick on for a long drive on a sunny day!  Nice!

  • Uncle, I dig like your description of her wailing on the drums digging the guitar player’s sounds! Are you talking with or without the guitar? Wash boarding too!  Joey sounds like a great addition to the band, Miller Light bar tap be damned ha! Guaranteed 100 views!

  • The drummers name is Joey and she is good on wash boards too if you can keep her off the Miller Light or limit her a bit.   

  • I’m starting to make Sibel, the gal with multiple personalities, look tame and ordinary!  This line applies ever-so-much, “I want whatever Uncle’s on!” I reacon it must have been a rude  brutal awakening when you opened your eyes and saw rythem finger instead! Little miss Orange Crush cutoff tee shirt can replace rythem finger anytime. I tell you what Uncle, I aim to please, the best I can do next time for you is wear a orange crush tee shirt for you. Eyes wide open closed! Almost Uncle, the conductor started to do his own thing, rythem finger couldn’t see it, but I was mentally fishing as usual, you couldn’t have any expectations of me following this show off conducting “We Will Rock You”! Thank you for your  luminary ,  wish it were true, comments Uncle......side note, if indeed she was playing drums...would I be paying any attention to playing guitar!

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