All Posts (1994)

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Getting started

A friend of mine posted a link to a video of Shane Speal playing some blues on one of his CBGs, and I loved that original bluesy sound! Since they seemed relatively easy to make, I thought I would give it a go.I used to work at a cigar bar, so I know some of the folks there. I stopped in there Sunday morning after they opened and picked up some nice all wood boxes to start with.I went to Home Depot and got a 9 foot length of red oak for the neck/s. It will be a really long guitar. Just kidding, I had them cut in 3 equal pieces.I dug out my router and set to work shaping the neck. I found that my rounding bit was about 1/8 inch too short, and it left a ridge that I ended up cutting off with the band saw and sanding smooth.I picked up a piezo transducer and a jack at Radio Shack, and I found some tuning pegs and 3 strings at a local music store.I stained the neck and it is hanging up to dry in the garage.More to follow...
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News, News, News!

Cool news and updates:1. It looks like I'm going to be in my local paper (maybe). I've been contacted by a reporter who wants to meet this week for an interview for my guitars. Yay me!2. I just finished a guitar for this guy named Dennis Casey. He's in this group called Flogging Molly. I didn't even realize who the guy was until half way through the build. Stupid me. Pretty cool, though.
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"Songs Inside The Box" will be broadcast on Alabama Public Television tonight at8:00 p.m. From my experience sharing the documentary at film festivals, I wouldexpect many viewers will be interested in finding more information about cigarbox guitars. We have information about the documentary at:http://www.songsinsidethebox.comAnd there is a link from that site to lot of people have expressed interest in purchasing a DVD of "Songs Inside TheBox." I appreciate your interest and I'm happy to let you know that DVDs will beavailable soon through many of the people who appear in the documentary orworked on it behind the scenes. They will offer DVDs of "Songs Inside The Box"in their online catalogs and sell them at their concerts and so forth.I sincerely appreciate the support and encouragement I have received from thecigar box guitar community throughout this project and I'll continue to keep youposted.Max
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Jimmy Valentine is from Chicago, he got his first music lesson at the age of seven years old from rock and roll legend Jerry Lee Lewis. When he was was 13 years old he got a couple intense music theory lessons from jazz legend Maynord Fergeson. Jimmy also studied music with legendary Chicago saxaphonist Ivan Lasso. Lucky to have grown up in studios and theaters in Chicago, where he got to learn music from many legendary and world class artists. Jimmy records his music spot on live first take.Improvised from beginning to end, his songs do not exist before he records them.
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Eureka Springs Ark. I'll be conducting a cigar box guitar workshop as well. Lots of jamming and hill country blues at this fest, no poseurs or rock acts that claim they play blues, this is the real deal.I'll also be playing at the Deep Blues Fest in Minneapolis this July, if you're in teh area, stop by and say hi.Bluesboy Jag
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Who'd da thunk it?

I find myself in the strange position of not being able to get enough of the cheap cardboard Cb's.It seems the public in this area will buy the simple little 1 string Didleys faster then I can dig up the boxes.So here I am asking if any of you have too many of the cheaper boxes to sell me.If so let me know and I'll buy what I can and pay shipping too if its needed.WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a country we live in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Roger
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I'm on the Radio Tonight

I have been invited by Jeremy Butler, the host of "All Things Acoustic" on Alabama Public Radio to come on his show tonight from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Central Time to talk about "Songs Inside The Box" and share some music by artists in the documentary. You can listen online at:http://www.allthingsacoustic.orgI'll be taking CDs by David Williams, Doctor Oakroot, Gerry Thompson, Kirk Withrow, Microwave Dave, and Shane Speal. I have no idea how much time Jeremy would like to devote to this or how it will go but it is a good opportunity to share some great music and talk a little about the upcoming broadcast of the documentary on Alabama Public Television.Alabama Public Radio is a multiple station network which covers much of the state. "All Things Acoustic" features folk music and has a loyal fan base. I'm honored to be invited to come on the show.Max
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Starting tabs

It's been quite slow on the CBG front. I am working on some tab for beginning CBG players (since that is what I am). I'll hopefully get that posted in the next few weeks. I am also working on step by step how to build as well.
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Got CGBs!!

Have to say that I've cheated and bought them (thank you so much Smojo and Chickenbone John).But how much fun have I been having??!! I sound pretty crap at the moment, but am sure I'll improve. Never been much of a slide artist in the past, but have always been fascinated by it. Somehow it never just 'clicked' before, but feel thats changing. And makes a change to get into the 'less can be more' mentality rather than trying to set the fretboard on fire all the time.And actually holding one and looking at them closely makes me realise that I can build them myself - oh joy, something else to become obsessive about.........
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Teaching the young people

I have spent the last couple of years teaching the young people at the conservation corps. how to build musical instruments from stuff they can find anywhere, Cigar Box Guitars, Drums, Dulcimers , making soap ect. Look in my photo files and tell me what you think!
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Finding the right CB's

I can find about any color or type of box except my favorite color in boxes.RED, I cant find enough red boxes.I'd like to trade one of the yellow Camancha boxes for a red Punch or similar if anybodies interested.
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"Songs Inside The Box," the cigar box guitar documentary has a Facebook group now. If you are a Facebook user and you'd like to keep up with information about the documentary or show your support, please join the group at: is also a MySpace page for the documentary at: a MySpace friend is another way to get information about "Songs Inside The Box" and show your support."Songs Inside The Box" will be broadcast on Alabama Public Television, a statewide network of nine stations, on April 14th. We'll be making it available to other public TV stations in the US in a few months. When it is offered to other stations, we'll let you know.It will also be screening at the On Location: Memphis film festival on April 24th and 25th. Johnny Lowebow will be performing for the festival on Saturday the 25th.Other festival appearances are in the works!Max Shores
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New here!!

Well, what can I say??I'm gobsmacked at the inventiveness of the builds I've seen on this site, and totally inspired to start and make my own.Now if I can only find the taken possession of one of ChickenBone John's excellent Mojobow Diddley Bows and am well smitten. The amount of entertainment available from just one string is truly obscene. Let me think, what have I belted out from it through my marshall 50w amp??? Oh yeah.....Purple Haze, Voodoo Chile, In My Time Of Dying, Whole Lotta Rosie, Boot!!!!! Not sure the neighbours would agree though.
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This site has a lot that could be used by CB builders.Tuners, electronics, piezo film and cable - (to lay in bottom of bridge slot)individual spot pickups suitable for diddly bows,jacks and pots and shielded cable... etc. All in small quantities.fret wire, and tuning machines too...The rest of their site is pretty interesting too.Check them out.
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String Height for my first build ??

Getin into my first Cigar Box Guitar build. What are thoughts on the typical starting point for string height? I'm starting to think about making the nut, and am wondering about height. I plan on using this 3 stringer mainly for slide, but I may also add frets.Phil
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Builds and errors

So, build #1 is done, bar some annoying little sound issues, and Im well into build #2. But what do you do with all these guitars??? The 'studio' is now overflowing (its a VERY small room!).Iv learnt a lot about guitar building that Id never have learnt building electrics, which is really great... though theres stilla lot to learn. And I cant really play slide yet either, but its coming.Anyhoo, the laquer should be nearly dry now so Im gonna bolt up #2 just to see how it all looks before I add the electrics....
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new here

Hi hi im new here.I live in Iceland. The best country in the world.... or not.But im new here . and want to learn everything about CIGAR BOX. And I do wanna build me a cigar BOX ..H0LL0WBELLY told me about this Nation.. And so far I like it very much.... Looking forward to joyin U all....regards from IcelandOle VOLDEN
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