I have been invited by Jeremy Butler, the host of "All Things Acoustic" on Alabama Public Radio to come on his show tonight from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Central Time to talk about "Songs Inside The Box" and share some music by artists in the documentary. You can listen online at:http://www.allthingsacoustic.orgI'll be taking CDs by David Williams, Doctor Oakroot, Gerry Thompson, Kirk Withrow, Microwave Dave, and Shane Speal. I have no idea how much time Jeremy would like to devote to this or how it will go but it is a good opportunity to share some great music and talk a little about the upcoming broadcast of the documentary on Alabama Public Television.Alabama Public Radio is a multiple station network which covers much of the state. "All Things Acoustic" features folk music and has a loyal fan base. I'm honored to be invited to come on the show.Max