
My Good & Evil Doll
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  • Well said, Mr Burgess.   Good juju to you. 

  • Yes, it was made by a friend with good intentions sewn into it. Blessings and prayers. Certainly not a real mojo hand...No John the Cockaroo, lodestone, black cat bone, hot foot powder, etc. I work my own magic with my Devil box...the doll is like wearing a mirror on your forehead to reflect back any evil that is cast upon you... 

  • Hope it works, Keni Lee.  It is pretty.  It is cute.  It is arty.  And it scares me a bit.

  • In mY DOODOO i put special pixels coming from my skin lost on Nation (lol)...

    Very complete comment Anonymous...

    my DOODOO is readind all comments and lookin at you all...°<[:-) |---]==={...

  • what you have there   seems  more  like what is  called a  "poppet"   then  a "voodoo" doll  ,,   or a" hoodoo "  doll  . (2  different    things  i  might add . )  

    do  you  know  what is  in it ? .  ie:  herbs   , spices etc ??   or  anything of yours ?

    a traditional   poppet  .  or voodoo  doll  would / should resemble you  or  contain  a "biological " from you   or at least something of yours .  and    herbs etc specific  for the cause .

    what you seem to  have is  a "made for tourist" novelty   item  with some added  flare .


    sadly  voodoo  dolls  have a bad  rap ,  contrary to popular belief .  , they are mostly used for  healing and   protection (like you say  yours  intent was )   and to  do  good  ,  not harm .


    still  nice doll  tho . ....and if  its made with good intent  .. hey  , that may be  enough for ya  .  ;-)


  • Many thanks Keni Lee very nice answer like you are!

    In fact, my HooDoo is °<[:-) |---]==={

  • Just like beauty is found in the eye of the beholder...power and courage lies within. Prayers, charms, potions, etc, only work if you empower them yourself...conversely they can only be used against you, if you invite them in. Like the expression, it takes two to tango...someone has to commit murder, for the other person to die...it's a eat and be eaten world...LOL 

  • Very nice...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • ... oh sorry mine has not same smile...°<[:-) [---]==={...

    ....does it work only against Evil...?

    ... does it help to be lucky...or does it protect in dark cold night?...°<[:-) [---]==={...

    My HooDoo doesn't protect me... but when i was young it did it...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • This Hoodoo doll was made for me, to protect against Evil. I velcro it to my guitar headstock when I play out...  

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