varnish test on decals #2

varnish test on decals #2
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  • Thank you BluesHeart... °<[:-) [---]==={

    thanks Jim, no it's only laser copy on a fresh varnish coat, before another coat over all... °<[:-) [---]==={

    Thank you, David... i tried some other ways to fix on it, but my friends and me ve chosen that look, like you said it seems to be an old one... °<[:-) [---]==={

    I hope everything is all right, Uncle John...Thank you for your comment... still a big work to do... °<[:-) [---]==={

    Thank you very much Suspect friends and me want to show one way to built nice and very cheap box guitars... we give all we can, no secret, so i post many phots about this serial... i know a nice friend who can't beleive this little funny building (lol)... °<[:-) [---]==={

    Hey James, maybe like you looking at all the photos of that project, i'm very impatient... next wednesday (april 4th) we will fix all paper decals in varnish... Thank you very much... °<[:-) [---]==={ 

  • yep he is probably the first and only , that has done this, maybe ill through him a curve ball, and send him another, good work Mr Phillip !!!

  • Hey, that's gonna look pretty darn good, Phillip. And you will wind up getting like, eight Fuente boxes out of one!

  • WOW!

  • Looks cool.

     I would try a spray fix on it first so i didnt go so see through with the varnish but saying that it has an aged look and I like that too.

  • Is that a water slide decal 

  • Looks great.

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